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Voxel Raises $3M To Make Warehouse Security Cameras More Safety Conscious

Voxel Raises $3M To Make Warehouse Security Cameras More Safety Conscious

10/26/21, 1:02 PM
Money raised
$3 million
Round Type
Warehouses and distribution centers are already blanketed in security cameras, but unless someone is actively monitoring them, a lot of the footage goes unexamined. Voxel wants to change that by inviting its on-premises pixel-peeping machine-vision robots to take a closer look, notifying managers when something isn’t up to snuff. The company just raised a $3 million seed round to continue building its tech and rolling out beyond its first set of beta customers.

Company Info

Additional Info
The company just raised a $3 million seed round to continue building its tech and rolling out beyond its first set of beta customers. The company’s pricing plan starts at $50,000 per month per site, which includes the first set of cameras, and goes up from there as a company adds more sites and more cameras to the mix. ”The company runs a hybrid architecture, where all the initial analysis and computer vision is done by adding an on-premises computer. To date, Voxel has had four beta customers, two of whom converted into paying customers.
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