Meta Cx, Inc announced it raised $5.1 Million in an initial filing from an offering of $5.1 Million
08/24/22, 8:16 PM
Money raised
$5.1 million
information technology
Company Info
830 massachusetts ave.
indianapolis, indiana, united states
Additional Info
MetaCX has built the Business Value Network, a first-of-a-kind network that companies join to manage the expected value from their business relationships with customers, vendors, and other stakeholders.
The Business Value Network is built around a new computing paradigm broadly labeled as the metaverse. For the business world, the metaverse promises a future where collaboration is possible with any collection of companies through persistent digital spaces that are enabled by a single digital identity.
Within the Business Value Network, companies establish the expectation of value through desired outcomes and measure the realization of value through signals, metrics, and milestones. The network creates a private, secure space for each member to instrument any application, system, or digital endpoint. MetaCX transforms this data into a real-time, comprehensive view of how companies are tracking toward the achievement of expected outcomes, a view that can be easily shared with stakeholders across a business ecosystem