
US Air Force Awards Strategic Funding Increase to Falkonry

US Air Force Awards Strategic Funding Increase to Falkonry

04/15/20, 1:31 PM
Falkonry, Inc., the leading enabler of predictive operations at scale for Global 2000 companies, today announced it has received a strategic funding increase from the Air Force Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer. These additional funds will help Falkonry expand deployment of its operational AI technology to additional Department of Defense (DoD) customers, including several that have already signed on following the successful completion of early round evaluations.

Company Info

sunnyvale, california, united states
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Falkonry enables predictive operations at scale for companies looking to achieve significant improvement in production uptime, quality and yield. Falkonry’s Operational AI systems lower the total cost of ownership and shorten the time to value for manufacturing and operations teams by enabling them to automatically discover, predict and explain behaviors that impact their operations - without requiring data scientists. These products easily scale across the enterprise either on-premises, in the cloud or on the edge. Customers achieve initial results in as little as a few weeks, enabling them to save millions of dollars in operating costs and achieve a 3-5 times ROI annually. For more information about Falkonry and its offerings, please visit www.falkonry.com

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