Avantis Consulting Llc announced it raised $74,000 in an amended filing
06/10/22, 10:04 AM
kansas city
Money raised
Round Type
Company Info
4500 main street
kansas city, missouri, united states
Additional Info
Avantis Investors is built on financial science.
Our academic-based framework analyzes current prices with the goal of capturing higher expected returns—and delivering value to clients. And our well-diversified solutions are managed according to an efficient, repeatable and cost-sensitive process.
Despite the complexity of the theoretical and empirical analysis and data, we do not miss the common-sense concept that underpins our approach: Paying less for an expected stream of cash flows, or the equity of a company, means higher expected returns.
The result? Broadly diversified solutions that are designed to deliver higher expected returns – implemented in a way that looks to minimize costs wherever possible. We pass these savings on to our investors through lower fees.