
Nordic Consulting Acquires Healthcare Consulting Company Hygeian

Nordic Consulting Acquires Healthcare Consulting Company Hygeian

10/06/22, 6:14 AM
Nordic Consulting, a global health and technology consulting company, announced today that it has acquired Hygeian, a healthcare consulting company supporting public and private sector clients across the United Kingdom and the Middle East with advisory services, change management, flexible resourcing, and filling fixed-term and specialist roles. Hygeian will now become a Nordic Global Company, joining Bails, Healthtech, and S&P Consultants.

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Nordic Consulting
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Als Unternehmen der Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft sind Verkehrswertgutachten, Bauschadensgutachten, Überprüfung von Gutachten, Engineering, immobilienwirtschaftliche Beratung, bautechnische Beratung und Energieberatung unser Tagesgeschäft.

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